The narrative that the Pentagon Memorial reflects is clear: the US citizens and the government alike have a heavy duty to solemnly remember the victims who died so “that we may live in freedom.” To visitors, there seems to be little room to counterargue; the untimely and tragic death of people, especially of babies whose memorial units are the first ones visitors get to see, provides a necessary, or even demanding, reason to build the memorial. This narrative of the 9/11 attacks is of the same kind that people have continuously been told – from the news reporters, government officials, neighbors, and friends. The representation of 9/11 attacks was done in such a way that was closely linked to American-ness, if not patriotism, that questioning such narrative was considered heretical, if not treacherous. The champions of this official narrative were the incumbent officials during the Bush administration: including the president Bush himself as well as former Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. It was not rare to hear them talking about external threats encroaching the United States, which is the ultimate defender of freedom.
However, there are still questions unanswered, which are reflected on a different version of account for the 9/11 attacks. Families of victims, some government officials, scholars and civil societies have continuously demanded that the true story be told – including whether the government was aware about the possibility of such attacks, for one thing, which the official narrative does not even mention at all.
To honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families, and all who sacrifice that we may live in freedom.
We will never forget.
The construction process of the memorial shows that public involvement does not always guarantee a better way of commemorating the past. It is because no matter how open and transparent the process can be, the government continues to remain as the key designer of the whole process, deciding what designs submitted to the public contest fits the best into the interest of the government as well as guiding the general direction. From the planning to the official dedication, the government - at least the Department of Defense - remained involved. It is no coincidence that the official narrative of the 9/11 is reflected on the Pentagon Memorial; it was meant to deliver the message that is in tune with that narrative.
Link to the original paper
External Sources
- Virtual Memorial (Washington Post)
- Pentagon Memorial Fund
- Organization run by families of victims
- Video on the memorial
- Detailed information on the attack as well as on the individual victims